Boston Strong

Tuesday, October 16, 2012
The healing power of oxygen (opinion) Friday, June 01, 2012 by: Hesh Goldstein Learn more:
The healing power of oxygen (opinion)
Friday, June 01, 2012 by: Hesh Goldstein
(NaturalNews) There is no more precious element on the face of the earth more essential to life itself than oxygen.
In addition to being the third most abundant element found in the sun and making up 20% of the earth's atmosphere, oxygen plays a critical role in the carbon-nitrogen cycle, which is said to give the sun and stars their energy, and it comprises 65% of our body.
We know, that through fasting, we can live a few days without water and a few weeks without food, but only a few minutes without oxygen.
Because all the functions in our body are regulated by oxygen it must be replaced endlessly because 90% of our life energy depends upon it.
Our cells are energized by oxygen for regeneration and oxygen is required for food motabilization and the elimination of toxins and waste through the process of oxidation.
The computers in our heads, called a brain, need oxygen continually to process information and for our organs to function efficiently they need tons of oxygen. Basically, what we take for granted like thinking, moving, eating, sleeping, feeling and talking are entirely dependant on oxygen for the energy to facilitate those processes.
In fact, oxygen is the only element that is capable of combining with just about every other element to basically build and maintain our bodies. For example, to form proteins we combine oxygen, nitrogen, carbon and hydrogen. To form carbohydrates we combine oxygen, carbon and hydrogen and to form water we combine oxygen and hydrogen.
To put it another way, without oxygen there would be no life.
Because of the industrial revolution, technological advancements and modern transportation, oxygen in most parts of the world is steadily decreasing. We are obsessed with carbon-based fuels to power engines and generators and this uses huge amounts of oxygen on a daily basis. Add to that our rapid deforestation to produce wood and paper well beyond our production capacity and it's oxygen that takes the hit.
What has been found is that the oxygen content in our atmosphere is being reduced by about 0.8% every 15 years. Because our bodies are not designed for low-level oxygen consumption, we open the door for our bodies to take on more and more toxins that accumulate in our cells, bloodstreams, tissues and organs.
With global warming so prominent and on everyone's mind about the oxygen content in our atmosphere being reduced, it would be well to know that if our oxygen level reaches 6%, we die.
Oxygen, being one of five elements to sustain life, has been used in a myriad of ways to heal. It is used to treat the sick and injured, it treats bone infections, wounds, carbon-monoxide poisoning, decompression sickness and now the sports field has opened its eyes to increasing oxygen levels to treat athletes.
If we adhere to eating poorly or abuse our bodies by excess drinking or smoking or doing drugs, both recreational and medicinal, and fail to recognize the importance of exercise, this has a ripple effect to our immune system, which becomes weakened and causes us to be prone to sickness and disease.
Adding insult to injury, low oxygen levels are not good because they affect our cell's metabolism, which brings about more adverse health problems like lack of vitality and stamina, resulting in endless fatigue and a generally weak disposition.
Other factors can reduce our oxygen levels as well. There's toxic stress as a result of toxic chemicals and air pollution becoming more prevalent and our increased use of antibiotics. Emotional stress produces adrenaline and adrenal-related hormones, which in turn use more oxygen. Physical traumas reduce circulation and oxygen supply to the cells and tissues of the body. And then, infections deplete our store of oxygen to fight bacteria and viruses and then we turn to frequent drug use to solve the problem, but the drugs wind up using our cellular oxygen levels as well.
Problems like Candida and fungal infections are easily reversed through increasing oxygen levels in the cells. So, reversing the shortage of oxygen in the body is your starting point to rebuilding and strengthening your immune system.
Oxygen deficiency presents itself in many ways - cancer, leukemia, AIDS, seizures and nerve deterioration to name a few. Bear in mind that cancer cells cannot live in an aerobic or oxygenated environment and it is your increased oxygen levels that keep illness at bay.
If you feel weak, are easily fatigued, have poor circulation and digestion, muscle aches or dizziness, are moody, have a poor memory, behave irrationally, are easily irritable, have an acid stomach or bronchial problems, you most likely suffer from depleted oxygen levels.
When your immune system is compromised by a lack of oxygen, you are more susceptible to bacterial, viral, other infections, colds and flu. As previously stated, oxygen-deficient blood presents itself with a variety of metabolic disorders, most recognizable by excess uric acid, putting your body in an acidic rather than an alkaline environment. Oh yeah, oxygen will protect you against unfriendly bacteria and toxins and will carry them out of your system.
There are a variety of forms of oxygen therapy. Some expensive, some reasonable.
Bottled oxygen, which is usually an inhalation therapy geared to serious bronchial and other respiratory problems, is costly and inconvenient.
Ozone (O3) therapy is generally given up the butt (ugh!) or intravenously (ouch!) is primarily used to increase blood oxygenation, circulation, immunity, and to kill bacteria, viruses and fungi. The problem? It's a hassle, inconvenient, unstable and can be toxic if not administered properly
Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) therapy is somewhat controversial because it might cause an adverse reaction in the digestive tract due to the fact that excess hydrogen causes an unbalanced pH and can bring about unwanted free radicals.
Hyperbaric oxygen therapy involves breathing oxygen in a pressurized chamber, saturating the cells and tissues with oxygen. It's great if you're a diver and have to overcome decompression sickness.
Breathing exercises will increase lung capacity. Regular exercise, hatha yoga classes and martial arts are great for deep diaphragmatic and controlled breathing.
Organic sulfur crystals are the easiest, least inconvenient, and work the best. Bear in mind that all commercial MSM products do not work. They start as a crystal, are turned into powder, losing 85% of their effectiveness, and when the synthetic binding and anti-caking agents are added, it becomes useless.
One final word: during the day the body loses approximately three quarts of water through breathing, sweating and elimination. If you work out heavily on a hot day, you can lose three quarts of water in an hour. If you do not replace the water lost, hello muscle cramps, dehydration or heat stroke.
The rule of thumb: one half of your body weight in fluid ounces - you weigh 150 pounds X ? = 75 ounces or at least ? gallon a day.
Oh yeah, one more thing - liquid means good unfluoridated water, not coffee, tea, alcohol, fruit juices or sport drinks loaded with sugar.
It is the water and the water only that keeps your skin moist and supple and acts as a natural lubricant for your joints and internal organs.
About the author:
I have been doing a weekly radio show in Honolulu since 1981 called "Health Talk". In 2007 I was "forced" to get a Masters degree in Nutrition because of all the doctors that would call in asking for my credentials. They do not call in anymore. Going to enables you, among other things, to listen to the shows. I am an activist. In addition to espousing an organic vegan diet for optimum health, I am strongly opposed to GMOs, vaccines, processed foods, MSG, aspartame, fluoridation and everything else that the pimps (Big Pharma, Monsanto and the large food companies) and the hookers (the doctors, the government agencies, the public health officials, and the mainstream media) thrust upon us, the tricks.
After being vaccinated with the DTP vaccine as a child I developed asthma. After taking the organic sulfur crystals (they are harvested from the pine trees in Louisiana) in November of 2008 for 10 days my asthma reversed and has not come back over 3 years later, 18 cases, so far, of autism have been reversed, as has cancer, Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease, osteoarthritis, joint pain, astigmatism, gum disease, increased sexual activity, heavy metal and radiation elimination, parasite elimination, free radicals elimination, faster athletic recovery time, increased blood circulation, reduced inflammation, resistance to getting the flu, reduction of wrinkles, allergy reduction, reduced PMS and monthly period pain, nausea, migraines and so much more. And it's only possible because of the oxygen it releases that floods the cells of the body. The sulfur, as proven by the University of Southampton in England, enables the body to produce vitamin B12 and the essential amino acids. You can find out more about this incredible nutrient also on my website - - Products and Services. There is also an organic, 70%, cold processed dark chocolate out there that contains sulfur based zeolite, which removes radiation and heavy metals. You can find out more by reading the article "A Dark Chocolate To Die For" on my website under Articles, or by going to
I am 73. I have been a vegetarian since 1975 years and a vegan since 1990. I have no illnesses and take no meds. I play basketball 2 hours a week, am in 2 softball leagues, racewalk, body surf, do stand-up paddling, do weight workouts and teach women's self defense classes based upon 25 years of Wing Chun training.
My firm belief - if it had a face and a mother or if man made it, don't eat it.
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Thursday, July 26, 2012
90% of the body's energy comes from Oxygen. Only 10% from food and water.
The chemical basis of energy production in the body is a chemical called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). If something goes wrong with the production of ATP, the result is lowered vitality. Oxygen is the most critical for the production of ATP.
Oxygen is the most important factor in the body's metabolism. When we eat a poor diet with foods that are high in fat, carbohydrates, sugar, and alcohol, our bodies have to use more oxygen to digest, assimilate, decompose and eventually expel them.
A common outward symptom is the food coma, the feeling of mid-afternoon lethargy. The brain is deprived of its normal ration of oxygen, and fatigue sets in. We yawn to get more oxygen to the brain.
Oxygen4Energy contains no caffeine, no sugar or any other unnatural stimulants. It does not provide a superficial jolt to the central nervous system like energy drinks. It give you a healthy energy BOOST to help return your body and mind to equilibrium.
What is Stress? We know it when we feel it, and it can be debilitating. Stress is generally caused by 4 factors: (1) Emotional stress (2) Physical trauma or damage (3) Toxic chemical stress (4) Infection by pathogens.
All forms of stress cause an acceleration of oxygen deficiency in the body. Headaches, muscle tension, depression, increased heart rate and heavy breathing are all noticeable signs of immediate stress. Prolonged stress is malicious to the entire body and can cause a multitude of sicknesses and diseases.
Colleges such as the University of Rhode Island provided their students with free oxygen bars during Finals specifically to help them cope with the stress.
Yoga practitioners are committed to the value of proper breathing and oxygen intake to remove the stress from the body, help keep muscles loose, and promote total body and mind health.
Oxygen4Energy Just flat Out works.
All forms of stress cause an acceleration of oxygen deficiency in the body. Headaches, muscle tension, depression, increased heart rate and heavy breathing are all noticeable signs of immediate stress. Prolonged stress is malicious to the entire body and can cause a multitude of sicknesses and diseases.
Colleges such as the University of Rhode Island provided their students with free oxygen bars during Finals specifically to help them cope with the stress.
Yoga practitioners are committed to the value of proper breathing and oxygen intake to remove the stress from the body, help keep muscles loose, and promote total body and mind health.
Oxygen4Energy Just flat Out works.
Friday, July 20, 2012
The Healing Power of Oxygen
The air we breathe contains 21 percent oxygen. During hyperbaric therapy, the patient breathes 100 percent oxygen at greater than normal atmospheric pressure.
While providing 100 percent oxygen through a facemask has certain benefits, providing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber delivers even greater benefits. Hyperbaric therapy works by increasing oxygen carried in the blood stream – not by the oxygen having direct contact with the skin or wounds. Hyperbaric therapy has been proven to:
- Promote blood vessel formation
- Enhance wound healing
- Improve infection control
- Preserve damaged tissues
- Eliminate and reduce effects from toxic substances
- Reduce or eliminate tissue and blood flow obstruction by gas bubbles
For a patient with a problem wound, increasing blood oxygen levels promotes healing. For a victim of smoke inhalation, the extra oxygen can rapidly reverse the toxic effects of poisonous carbon monoxide.
Hyperbaric oxygen treatments are normally painless. The patient lies comfortably and restfully in an enclosed plastic acrylic chamber. You can watch TV, listen to music or even sleep. Side effects are limited, with the most commonly reported including light-headedness or popping in the ears.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
Many upscale European Hotels such as the The Intercontinental, Moevenpick, Radisson and Sheraton stock canned Oxygen in their guest rooms for on-the-go executive travelers and vacationers who need to recover from the effects of jet lag. Upscale Japanese hotels offer Oxygen Bar treatments to directly alleviate jet lag.
Commercial airlines pressurize their cabins equivalent to the pressure of 8,000 feet above sea level. There is 20% less oxygen at this pressure than normal. Extended travel under these conditions deprives the individual of their regular intake of Oxygen. Furthermore, there are many airborne contaminants in an airplane, and the body needs to use more of its oxygen reserves to eliminate these toxins.
Together with the stressful nature of flying and lack of proper sleep (when the body naturally re-oxygenates), jet lag occurs. Headaches, mental fatigue, muscle aches, inability to concentrate and lack of focus, and lethargy are all symptoms of oxygen deprivation. These side-effects can last for days!
The airplane manufacturing companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars in the redesign of the hulls of their newest super-planes to address this very real concern of travel fatigue. The newest Boeing Dreamliner will be pressurized at the equivalent of 6,000 feet, while the Airbus A380 will be pressurized at 5,000 feet. These improvements are to directly address the ill effects suffered by air passengers due to Oxygen deprivation.
Oxygen4Energy helps the body readjust naturally by simply helping to re-oxygenate it and helping to remove the harmful toxins from the blood. Business and Leisure travelers can now spend more time doing what they want and need to, and less time recovering and suffering from Jet Lag.
Commercial airlines pressurize their cabins equivalent to the pressure of 8,000 feet above sea level. There is 20% less oxygen at this pressure than normal. Extended travel under these conditions deprives the individual of their regular intake of Oxygen. Furthermore, there are many airborne contaminants in an airplane, and the body needs to use more of its oxygen reserves to eliminate these toxins.
Together with the stressful nature of flying and lack of proper sleep (when the body naturally re-oxygenates), jet lag occurs. Headaches, mental fatigue, muscle aches, inability to concentrate and lack of focus, and lethargy are all symptoms of oxygen deprivation. These side-effects can last for days!
The airplane manufacturing companies are spending hundreds of millions of dollars in the redesign of the hulls of their newest super-planes to address this very real concern of travel fatigue. The newest Boeing Dreamliner will be pressurized at the equivalent of 6,000 feet, while the Airbus A380 will be pressurized at 5,000 feet. These improvements are to directly address the ill effects suffered by air passengers due to Oxygen deprivation.
Oxygen4Energy helps the body readjust naturally by simply helping to re-oxygenate it and helping to remove the harmful toxins from the blood. Business and Leisure travelers can now spend more time doing what they want and need to, and less time recovering and suffering from Jet Lag.
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Fact On Taking Sport portable oxygen Read below !!!!
The sight of the professional football player inhaling oxygen on the sideline every weekend in the Fall is commonplace. Why do these finely tuned, world class athletes choose to use supplemental oxygen?
During times of strenuous physical activity, the body simply exhales more carbon dioxide than it admits in Oxygen. The body's response to maintain blood oxygen levels is to obviously breathe more heavily to increase Oxygen intake.
Muscle fatigue and cramping occur when glycogen in oxygen-starved blood turns into lactic acid. Adding oxygen to the blood inhibits the production of lactic acid, and helps decompose what is already produced.
Professional football players know it is important to be as fresh, alert and strong on the last play of the 4th quarter as it is on the 1st play of the game.
Medical studies past and present have shown that inhaling oxygen before and during physical activity enhances endurance performance and can cut down on recovery times.
Oxygen4Energy is the perfect way to energize and optimize your workouts at the fitness center. It will help you overcome lethargy and help you achieve your peak performance. Try Oxygen4Energy during your favorite sport and gain that competitive advantage that the premier athletes enjoy.
Thank you for your time!
Julie Jahn-Whiffen
Oxygen4Energy Distributor
774-444-5930 jjw
Julie Jahn-Whiffen
Oxygen4Energy Distributor
Monday, May 28, 2012
Take Your Recovery to a Completely New Level with this Age Old Nutrient
Arnold Schwarzenegger once described "the pump,” the feeling of your muscles filling up with oxygenated blood, as an experience superior to that of orgasm. While we won’t go so far as to validate those claims, the feeling you get at the end of a workout is undeniably euphoric. Your muscles swell up with blood, every contraction or extension aches and burns due to the lactic acid accumulation. You can literally feel your body beginning to repair itself and grow stronger.
One of the most critical components to sports training for ANY athlete is recovering after a workout. While it’s difficult to take a day off to let your body repair itself, it is absolutely vital in order to replenish your oxygen and glycogen stores and avoid overtraining. The process of breaking down your muscle fibers and then allowing them to rest is the only way to make them bigger and stronger.
During exercise, your blood vessels dilate and your heart rate increases to allow more oxygen-rich blood into your muscles. After a certain point, you reach your oxygen threshold and oxygen inhaled through the lungs simply cannot be supplied to your muscles fast enough. Your body begins to pull any remaining oxygen from your muscle cells to keep up, resulting in an oxygen debt. You have now consumed too much of your body’s available supply of oxygen and must begin to pay it back.
Because of the lack of oxygen, your muscles can no longer generate fresh ATP, your muscle’s primary fuel source, and lactic acid begins to accumulate in its place. Lactic acid is what causes you to feel the burning sensation towards the end of the workout. It causes each muscle contraction to feel like a major effort.
Once you start recovery, all of these things must be brought back to their equilibrium state. As you breathe, fresh oxygen enters the bloodstream and is pumped to the muscles to begin reconstructing the fibers that were broken down. With any recovery there are four things that must take place:
- ATP stores must be replenished
- Lactic acid must be metabolized
- Myoglobin (oxygen binding proteins found in muscle fibers) must be replenished with oxygen
- Glycogen levels must be restored
All of these recovery processes hinge on your oxygen intake. In fact, oxygen consumption is highest immediately after exercise, and gradually tapers off as you recover. This is because your body is trying to replace the oxygen that was used up during training. Studies have shown your oxygen consumption remains elevated up to 38 hours after exercise to help make up your oxygen debt.
With all things considered, OXYGEN is undeniably the most important factor in the recovery process. The ambient air around us is often less than 20% oxygen. When you consume concentrated supplemental oxygen, after a tough workout your recovery is supercharged since your oxygen intake is maximized.
Effective oxygen supplementation was once prohibitively expensive and limited to elite level athletes because it required a doctor's prescription and supervision. However, industry advances have made recreational oxygen available in small portable cans that allow you to flood your body with high amounts of oxygen at any time, which can have a dramatic impact on your recovery.
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