Boston Strong

Boston Strong

Thursday, July 26, 2012

90% of the body's energy comes from Oxygen. Only 10% from food and water.

The chemical basis of energy production in the body is a chemical called Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). If something goes wrong with the production of ATP, the result is lowered vitality. Oxygen is the most critical for the production of ATP.
Oxygen is the most important factor in the body's metabolism. When we eat a poor diet with foods that are high in fat, carbohydrates, sugar, and alcohol, our bodies have to use more oxygen to digest, assimilate, decompose and eventually expel them. 
A common outward symptom is the food coma, the feeling of mid-afternoon lethargy. The brain is deprived of its normal ration of oxygen, and fatigue sets in. We yawn to get more oxygen to the brain.
 Oxygen4Energy  contains no caffeine, no sugar or any other unnatural stimulants. It does not provide a superficial jolt to the central nervous system like energy drinks. It give you a healthy energy BOOST to help return your body and mind to equilibrium.


What is Stress? We know it when we feel it, and it can be debilitating. Stress is generally caused by 4 factors: (1) Emotional stress (2) Physical trauma or damage (3) Toxic chemical stress (4) Infection by pathogens.
All forms of stress cause an acceleration of oxygen deficiency in the body. Headaches, muscle tension, depression, increased heart rate and heavy breathing are all noticeable signs of immediate stress. Prolonged stress is malicious to the entire body and can cause a multitude of sicknesses and diseases.

Colleges such as the University of Rhode Island provided their students with free oxygen bars during Finals specifically to help them cope with the stress.
Yoga practitioners are committed to the value of proper breathing and oxygen intake to remove the stress from the body, help keep muscles loose, and promote total body and mind health.
Oxygen4Energy Just flat Out  works. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

The Healing Power of Oxygen

The air we breathe contains 21 percent oxygen. During hyperbaric therapy, the patient breathes 100 percent oxygen at greater than normal atmospheric pressure.
While providing 100 percent oxygen through a facemask has certain benefits, providing pure oxygen in a pressurized chamber delivers even greater benefits. Hyperbaric therapy works by increasing oxygen carried in the blood stream – not by the oxygen having direct contact with the skin or wounds. Hyperbaric therapy has been proven to:
  • Promote blood vessel formation
  • Enhance wound healing
  • Improve infection control
  • Preserve damaged tissues
  • Eliminate and reduce effects from toxic substances
  • Reduce or eliminate tissue and blood flow obstruction by gas bubbles
For a patient with a problem wound, increasing blood oxygen levels promotes healing. For a victim of smoke inhalation, the extra oxygen can rapidly reverse the toxic effects of poisonous carbon monoxide.
Hyperbaric oxygen treatments are normally painless. The patient lies comfortably and restfully in an enclosed plastic acrylic chamber. You can watch TV, listen to music or even sleep. Side effects are limited, with the most commonly reported including light-headedness or popping in the ears.