Boston Strong

Boston Strong

Sunday, April 22, 2012

What exactly is Oxygen4Energy?

What exactly is Oxygen4Energy? It's an innovative new multi-level marketing opportunity that just launched in January 2011. The company markets portable canisters containing 95% oxygen enriched air. Founder Craig Inaba was selling oxygen products for two years strictly though e-commerce and decided to join forces with the premiere canned oxygen manufacturer from the U.S. owned and operated by Jeffrey L. Perlmutter. Perlmutter is the person who created a $500 million industry by pioneering the sport of paintball. They agreed that by joining forces and setting up a new Network Marketing platform would be the best strategy to get the product out to the consumer.
The Oxygen4Energy product is Tru02 oxygen enriched air which is available in a convenient sized lightweight can and is good for 5-10 good uses per canister. For athletes this could have a dramatic impact on their performance by allowing them to flood their body with supplemental oxygen anytime they need to. This will also benefit seniors by helping enhance their quality of life by giving them the oxygen their bodies are craving. On their website they clearly state that the this is "Not For Medical Use" and isn't intended to treat, cure or prevent diseases. They only ship inside the Continental U.S. by UPS Ground because by law Tru02 can not be shipped by air.
Oxygen4Energy offers a company opportunity for entrepreneurs to create income sharing the product. To become a distributor they are currently offering a special for only a limited time. If you buy a product package when enrolling to be a distributor they are going to waive the very first year's distributor fee which is $19.95. For becoming independent distributor you can receive these benefits. Purchase the product for up to 49% off the MSRP for personal use or resell. Earn profits from retail sales. Earn up to 20% commission on any referred sales from your personal company website. Refer other distributors, build a team and earn commission on the sales produced by your entire team through unlimited levels.
Oxygen4Energy is a new company so one won't hear a lot of success stories regarding the business opportunity. The product is however endorsed by a number of the country's top athletes including Shawn Ray who's a Hall of Fame Bodybuilder and David Jones the 2010 Masters National Champion 200m Sprinter. Their names are all listed on the company website together with testimonials from a few of these pro and elite athletes, sports and fitness lovers and everyday people. Endurance athletes utilize it differently than power athletes but they all claim when used correctly, oxygen might be the safest, most effective performance enhancing supplement you'll ever try.
Oxygen4Energy is another multi-level marketing opportunity. They do give you a personalized company website to help you promote the product. In addition they offer marketing materials and something they call business building systems. Regardless of whether this is the Greatest Product in the World, it has been proven over time that with any MLM Opportunity you must know How to Market". To become successful you are going to have to find a way to generate a constant flow of high quality leads and traffic to your new business. You will also need a system in place that filters and qualifies these leads. As a very successful home business owner it is my opinion this company has the potential.
Joe Cabana is an expert online business coach and mentor teaching all the secret strategies the top producers use to systematically make money at will in the ever changing home business industry. Stop struggling with your network marketing business.

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Saturday, April 21, 2012

Oxygen4Energy: The Company

Oxygen4Energy is a new company so you won’t here a lot of success stories. The product however, is endorsed by some of the top athletes including Hall of Fame Bodybuilder Shawn Ray and the 2010 Masters National Champion 200m Sprinter David Jones. You will also find testimonials on the company website from pro athletes, sports and fitness lovers and everyday people. The company claims that portable oxygen in a can is destined to be the next bottled water. Furthermore, they claim that this is destined to be the next dominant product in the health supplement industry and if you get involved with the company now, you will be in position to capitalize on this growth.

Oxygen4Energy: The Product

The Oxygen 4 Energy product is tru02 oxygen enriched air and comes in a convenient sized lightweight can. They claim this could help athletes by allowing them to flood their body with supplemental oxygen anytime they need to and also have a dramatic impact on their performance. They also claim that seniors could benefit also by helping improve their lives by giving them the oxygen their bodies are craving. Their website clearly states that this product is “Not For Medical Use” and is not intended to treat, cure or prevent diseases. The product is currently shipped in the Continental U.S. by UPS Ground only because by law, tru02 can not be shipped by air.

Oxygen4Energy: The Founder

After selling oxygen products for two years strictly through e-commerce, Oxygen4Energy founder Craig Inaba decided to join forces with the premiere oxygen in a can manufacturer in the U.S. owned and operated by Jeffrey L. Perlmutter. In case you were wondering, this is the guy that created a $500 million industry by pioneering the sport of Paintball. They decided that creating a New Network Marketing Platform would be the most effective way to get the product out to the consumer. By creating a multi-level business opportunity, they would have their members promoting the product as well.

Oxygen4Energy: The Compensation Plan

Oxygen4Energy offers a business opportunity for people to generate income by sharing the product with others. If you become an independent distributor you will receive these benefits. You can purchase the product for up to 49% off MSRP for resell or personal use. You will be able to earn profits from retail sells. You can earn 20% commission on any referred sales from your personal company website. You can also refer other distributors, build a team and earn commission on the sales generated by your entire team through unlimited levels. Does this company have what it takes for long-term industry success? In my opinion, the product is good and the potential is there, but as the old saying goes, only time will tell.

Oxygen4Energy: The Conclusion

Will you have success with the Oxygen4Energy opportunity? As I said before they do offer a personalized company website to help you promote the product. However, the company training is almost non-existent. You will need to know how to Market your new business. The health supplement industry is very saturated. If you can generate a steady flow of high quality leads and teach these leads duplication, success is possible. You will have to build a huge organization, and I do mean huge, in order to max-out the compensation plan. Building a business takes a lot of hard work, but if you stay focused, success is possible. So if Oxygen4Energy gets you excited, then by all means, go out and build yourself a legacy

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


Fitness can be measured by the volume of oxygen you can consume while exercising at your maximum capacity. VO2max is the maximum amount of oxygen in millilitres, one can use in one minute per kilogram of body weight. Those who are fit have higher VO2max values and can exercise more intensely than those who are not as well conditioned. Numerous studies show that you can increase your VO2max by working out at an intensity that raises your heart rate to between 65 and 85% of its maximum for at least 20 minutes three to five times a week. A mean value of VO2max for male athletes is about 3.5 litres/minute and for female athletes it is about 2.7 litres/minute.

Factors affecting VO2max

The physical limitations that restrict the rate at which energy can be released aerobically are dependent upon:
  • the chemical ability of the muscular cellular tissue system to use oxygen in breaking down fuels
  • the combined ability of cardiovascular and pulmonary systems to transport the oxygen to the muscular tissue system
There are various physiological factors that combine to determine VO2max for which there are two theories: Utilization Theory and Presentation Theory.
Utilization theory maintains that VO2max is determined by the body's ability to utilize the available oxygen whereas Presentation Theory maintains it is the ability of the body's cardiovascular system to deliver oxygen to active tissues.
A study by Saltin and Rowell (1980) [3] concluded that it is the deliver of oxygen to active tissues that is the major limiting factor to VO2max. A study by Gollnick et al. (1972) [4] showed a weak relationship between the body's ability to utilize the available oxygen and VO2max.

VO2max for various groups

The tables below, adapted from Wilmore and Costill (2005) [2], detail normative data for VO2max (ml/kg/min) in various population groups.

Non Athletes



Football (USA)20-3642-60 
Ice Hockey10-3050-63 
Skiing alpine18-3057-6850-55
Skiing nordic20-2865-9460-75
Speed skating18-2456-7344-55
Track & Field - Discus22-3042-55 
Track & Field - Running18-3960-8550-75
Track & Field - Running40-7540-6035-60
Track & Field - Shot22-3040-46 
Volleyball18-22 40-56
Weight Lifting20-3038-52 

Athlete's Vo2max Scores

The following are the Vo2max scores for a selection of the top female and male athletes.
VO2max (ml/kg/min)AthleteGenderSport/Event
96.0Espen Harald BjerkeMaleCross Country Skiing
96.0Bjorn DaehlieMaleCross Country Skiing
92.5Greg LeMondMaleCycling
92.0Matt CarpenterMaleMarathon Runner
92.0Tore Ruud HofstadMaleCross Country Skiing
91.0Harri KirvesniemMaleCross Country Skiing
88.0Miguel IndurainMaleCycling
87.4Marius BakkenMale5K Runner
85.0Dave BedfordMale10K Runner
85.0John NgugiMaleCross Country Runner
73.5Greta WaitzFemaleMarathon runner
71.2Ingrid KristiansenFemaleMarathon Runner
67.2Rosa MotaFemaleMarathon Runner

VO2max and age

As we get older our VO2max decreases. A study by Jackson et al. (1995) [5] found the average decrease was 0.46 ml/kg/min per year for men (1.2%) and 0.54 ml/kg/min for women (1.7%). The decline is due to a number of factors including a reduction in maximum heart rate and maximum stoke volume.

VO2max and performance

VO2max on its own is a poor predictor of performance but using the velocity (vVO2max) and duration (tlimvVO2max) that an athlete can operate at their VO2max will provide a better indication of performance.

VO2max evaluation tests

An estimate of your VO2max can be determined using any of the following tests:

Improving your VO2max

The following are samples of Astrands (a work physiologists) workouts for improving oxygen uptake:
  • (1) - Run at maximum speed for 5 minutes. Note the distance covered in that time. Let us assume that the distance achieved is 1900 metres. Rest for five minutes, and then run the distance (1900 metres) 20% slower, in other words in six minutes, with 30 seconds rest, repeated many times. This is equal to your 10 Km pace
  • (2) - Run at maximum speed for four minutes. Note the distance covered in that time. Rest for four minutes. In this case, we will assume you run a distance of 1500 metres. Now run the same distance 15% slower, in other words in 4 minutes 36 seconds, with 45 seconds rest, repeated several times. This approximates to a time between the athlete's 5 Km and 10 Km time
  • (3) - Run at maximum effort for three minute. Note the distance covered in that time. The distance covered is, say 1000 metres. Successive runs at that distance are taken 10% slower or at 3 minutes 18 seconds, with 60 seconds rest, repeated several times. This approximates to your 5 Km time
  • (4) - Run at maximum effort for five minutes. Note the distance covered in that time. The distance covered is 1900 metres. Rest five minutes. The distance is now covered 5% slower with one and a half minutes rest. This is approximately 3K pace for you, i.e., five minutes 15 seconds/1900 metres
  • (5) - Run at maximum effort for three minutes. The distance covered is 1100 metres. When recovered, the athlete then runs the same distance 5% slower, i.e., three minutes nine seconds/1100 metres, with one minute rest, repeated several times. This is at 3 Km pace

When and how often

It is suggested that in the winter sessions (1) and (2) are done weekly, and in the track season sessions (3), (4) and (5) are done weekly by runners from 800 metres to the half-marathon. Although it would be convenient to use the original distance marks made by the duration efforts, this does not take into account the athlete's condition before each session, so the maximum effort runs must be done on each occasion when they may be either more or less than the previous distance run. The maximum duration efforts are in themselves quality sessions. If the pulse rate has not recovered to 120 beats per minute in the rest times given, the recovery period should be extended before the repetitions are started. The recovery times between the repetitions should be strictly adhered to. These workouts make a refreshing change from repetition running. When all five sessions are completed within a month, experience shows substantial improvements in performance.

The effect of altitude

VO2 max decreases as altitude increases above 1600m and for every 1000m above 1600m maximal oxygen uptake decreases by approximately 8-11%. The decrease is mainly due to a decrease in maximal cardiac output (product of heart rate and stroke volume). Stoke volume decreases due to the immediate decrease in blood plasma volume.

VO2max Assessment

The VO2max assessment is based on the Cooper VO2max tables and comprises of the following grades: Very Poor, Poor, Fair, Good, Excellent and Superior.
For an evaluation of your VO2max select the age group and gender, enter your VO2max and then select the 'Calculate' button.
Age Gender Vo2max  ml/kg/min
Assessment - 

Normative data for VO2max

Normative data (Heywood 1998) [6] for Female (values in ml/kg/min)
AgeVery PoorPoorFairGoodExcellentSuperior
13-19<25.025.0 - 30.931.0 - 34.935.0 - 38.939.0 - 41.9>41.9
20-29<23.623.6 - 28.929.0 - 32.933.0 - 36.937.0 - 41.0>41.0
30-39<22.822.8 - 26.927.0 - 31.431.5 - 35.635.7 - 40.0>40.0
40-49<21.021.0 - 24.424.5 - 28.929.0 - 32.832.9 - 36.9>36.9
50-59<20.220.2 - 22.722.8 - 26.927.0 - 31.431.5 - 35.7>35.7
60+<17.517.5 - 20.120.2 - 24.424.5 - 30.230.3 - 31.4>31.4
Normative data (Heywood 1998) [6] for Male (values in ml/kg/min)
AgeVery PoorPoorFairGoodExcellentSuperior
13-19<35.035.0 - 38.338.4 - 45.145.2 - 50.951.0 - 55.9>55.9
20-29<33.033.0 - 36.436.5 - 42.442.5 - 46.446.5 - 52.4>52.4
30-39<31.531.5 - 35.435.5 - 40.941.0 - 44.945.0 - 49.4>49.4
40-49<30.230.2 - 33.533.6 - 38.939.0 - 43.743.8 - 48.0>48.0
50-59<26.126.1 - 30.931.0 - 35.735.8 - 40.941.0 - 45.3>45.3
60+<20.520.5 - 26.026.1 - 32.232.3 - 36.436.5 - 44.2>44.2

% MHR and %VO2max

It is possible to estimate your exercise intensity as a percentage of VO2max from your training heart rate. A study by David Swain et al. (1994) [1] using statistical procedures examined the relationship between %MHR and %VO2max. Their results led to the following regression equation:
  • %MHR = 0.64 × %VO2max + 37
The relationship has been shown to hold true across sex, age and activity.


The following calculator will do the conversion for you. Enter a value, select the parameter (MHR or VO2max) and then select the "Calculate" button.
Value = % 
 = % 

%VO2max and Speed

% of VO2maxSpeed
50Very slow running
60Slow running
70Steady running
80Half Marathon speed
9010 km speed
955 km speed
1003 km speed
1101500 metres to 800 metres speed

Free Calculator

  • %VO2max to %MHR Calculator - a free Microsoft Excel spreadsheet which you can download and use on your computer. The spreadsheet will be loaded into a new window.

Referenced Material

  1. SWAIN et al (1994) Target HR for the development of CV fitness. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 26 (1), p. 112-116
  2. WILMORE, J.H. and COSTILL, D.L. (2005) Physiology of Sport and Exercise. 3rd ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics
  3. SALTIN, B. and ROWELL, L.B. (1980) Functional adaptations to physical activity and inactivity. Federation Proceeding. 39 (5), p. 1506-1513
  4. GOLLNICK, P.D. et al. (1972) Enzyme activity and fiber composition in skeletal muscle of untrained and trained men. J Appl Physiol., 33 (3), p. 312-319
  5. JACKSON, A.S. et al. (1995) Changes in aerobic power of men, ages 25-70 yr. Med Sci Sports Exerc., 27 (1), p. 113-120
  6. HEYWOOD, V. (1998) The Physical Fitness Specialist Certification Manual, The Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research, Dallas TX, revised 1997. In: HEYWOOD, V (1998) Advance Fitness Assessment & Exercise Prescription, 3rd Ed. Leeds: Human Kinetics. p. 48

Page Reference

The reference for this page is:
  • MACKENZIE, B. (2001) VO2max [WWW] Available from: [Accessed 18/4/2012]

Additional Information

Associated Pages

The following Sports Coach pages should be read in conjunction with this page:

Additional Sources of Information

For further information on this topic see the following:
  • BEASHEL, P. & TAYLOR, J. (1996) Advanced Studies in Physical Education and Sport. UK: Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd.
  • DAVIS, B. et al. (2000) Physical Education and the Study of Sport. UK: Harcourt Publishers Ltd.
  • McARDLE, W. et al. (2000) Essentials of Exercise Physiology. 2nd ed. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins
  • BEASHEL, P. & TAYLOR, J. (1997) The World of Sport Examined. UK: Thomas Nelson & Sons Ltd.
  • GALLIGAN, F. et al. (2000) Advanced PE for Edexcel. Oxford; Heinemann Educational Publishers
  • BIZLEY, K. (1994) Examining Physical Education. Oxford; Heinemann Educational Publishers

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Oxygen Debt

During muscular exercise, blood vessels in muscles dilate and blood flow is increased in order to increase the available oxygen supply. Up to a point, the available oxygen is sufficient to meet the energy needs of the body. However, when muscular exertion is very great, oxygen cannot be supplied to muscle fibers fast enough, and the aerobic breakdown of pyruvic acid cannot produce all the ATP required for further muscle contraction.

Lactic Acid

During such periods, additional ATP is generated by anaerobic glycolysis. In the process, most of the pyruvic acid produced is converted to lactic acid. Although about 80% of the lactic acid diffuses from the skeletal muscles and is transported to the liver for conversion back to glucose or glycogen.


Ultimately, once adequate oxygen is available, lactic acid must be catabolized completely into carbon dioxide and water. After exercise has stopped, extra oxygen is required to metabolize lactic acid; to replenish ATP, phosphocreatine, and glycogen; and to pay back any oxygen that has been borrowed from hemoglobin, myoglobin (an iron-containing substance similar to hemoglobin that is found in muscle fibers), air in the lungs, and body fluids.
The additional oxygen that must be taken into the body after vigorous exercise to restore all systems to their normal states is called oxygen debt (Hill 1928) [1].
Eventually, muscle glycogen must also be restored. This is accomplished through diet and may take several days, depending on the intensity of exercise. The maximum rate of oxygen consumption during the aerobic catabolism of pyruvic acid is called "maximal oxygen uptake". It is determined by sex (higher in males), age (highest at about age 20) and size (increases with body size).
Highly trained athletes can have maximal oxygen uptakes that are twice that of average people, probably owing to a combination of genetics and training. As a result, they are capable of greater muscular activity without increasing their lactic acid production, and their oxygen debts are less. It is for these reasons that they do not become short of breath as readily as untrained individuals.

Oxygen consumption following exercise

After a strenuous exercise there are four tasks that need to be completed:
  1. Replenishment of ATP
  2. Removal of lactic acid
  3. Replenishment of myoglobin with oxygen
  4. Replenishment of glycogen
The need for oxygen to replenish ATP and remove lactic acid is referred to as the "Oxygen Debit" or "Excess Post-exercise Oxygen Consumption" (EPOC) - the total oxygen consumed after exercise in excess of a pre-exercise baseline level.
In low intensity, primarily aerobic exercise, about one half of the total EPOC takes place within 30 seconds of stopping the exercise and complete recovery can be achieved within several minutes (oxygen uptake returns to the pre-exercise level).
Recovery from more strenuous exercise, which is often accompanied by increase in blood lactate and body temperature, may require 24 hours or more before re-establishing the pre-exercise oxygen uptake. The amount of time will depend on the exercise intensity and duration.
The two major components of oxygen recovery are:
  • Alactacid oxygen debit (fast component)
    • the portion of oxygen required to synthesise and restore muscle phosphagen stores (ATP and PC)
  • Lactacid oxygen debit (slow component)
    • the portion of oxygen required to remove lactic acid from the muscle cells and blood
Recovery following exercise
Recovery following maximal exercise
The replenishment of muscle myoglobin with oxygen is normally completed within the time required to recover the Alactacid oxygen debit component.
The replenishment of muscle and liver glycogen stores depends on the type of exercise: short distance, high intensity exercise (e.g. 800 metres) may take up to 2 or 3 hours and long endurance activities (e.g. marathon) may take several days. Replenishment of glycogen stores is most rapid during the first few hours following training and then can take several days to complete. Complete restoration of glycogen stores is accelerated with a high carbohydrate diet.

Referenced Material

  1. HILL, A.V (1928) The diffusion of oxygen and lactic acid through tissues. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, 104 (728)

Page Reference

The reference for this page is:

Additional Information

Monday, April 16, 2012


Many times, fast healing can be obstructed by opportunistic, localized infections that are either resistant or hard to access with conventional drugs and therapies. Several alternative therapies offer immense benefits that could put one group or team way ahead of the others when it comes to accelerated healing of injuries.
We will deal with several here, with a focus on oxygen and ozone medicine, with subsequent articles delving into other effective treatments such as static and pulsed magnetic therapy, rife frequency therapy, dietary aids, herbal and other supplements that assist and expedite the natural healing process.
I If you are an athelete, trainer, coach or just a weekend sports warrior, you need to know about this. Using surgery and drugs to heal injuries is old fashioned and not that effective. There are some serious side effects and it takes you out of the game too long.
There are alternatives to these crude methods and when they are necessary due to the extreme nature of the injurty, there are ways to expedite the healing with the absolute minumum of side effects or permanent damage. In other words, there is a 21st century method of healing sports injuries that is effective, inexpensive and more permanent.
The use of ozone medicine is almost unheard of In this country except for a few brave and forward looking professionals. It has been routinely utilized in Germany, Russia, Mexico and even Cuba for many years. There are over 4000 physicians in Germany who use it. It has been used for everything from neutralizing the effects of strokes to the eradication of HIV in the patients blood! If you think this is hokum then you need to do some honest research into the uses of oxygen medicine around the world. Asking your doctor, unless they are trained in alternative medicine and very well informed, will be a waste of time. Experts live in tightly sealed boxes. Their very expertise many times keeps them from being able to even see other more effective strategies, unless such are santioned by their sources of information, e.g. medical journals, universities, AMA, FDA, peer review boards, etc. More importantly, there are stringent obstacles to practicing these alternative therapies which make it somewhat dangerous for doctors, especially M.D.s and Chiropractors to even consider them. Chiropractors are routinely warned in school about using certain unsanctioned treatments or even discussing them with their patients! M.D.s simple are not taught anything about them and the format of their basic training is not conducive to prevention or alternative therapies that work. Theirs, is a symptom suppression training as it is obvious that cures as such are bad for repeat business. Some brave doctors do use these underground therapies but generally will not admit it.
Some forms of oxygen therapy are better known than others, e.g. hyperbaric oxygen chambers. Most people are familiar with the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen and so have a least a basis with which to understand the more potent forms of oxygen therapy.
Ozone is many times more effective because of the tri-atomic state of the oxyen atom which is highly excited and contains a great deal of healing energy. Ozone has the unique ability to not only kill every pathogen known to man but also to reduce most toxins, poisons, etc. to harmless breakdown chemicals. For this reason, it is used in hundreds of water treatment facitliies around the world, including Los Angeles, CA. The only reason harsh poisons like chlorine are even used is that ozone has a very fast halflife, i.e. it breaks down in minutes, depending on the temperature, and somehting like chlorine is required to keep the water clean as it travels through the vast array of pipes to your kitchen sink.
But the message is clear. Ozone is amazing. The effects are so vast and so incredible that it would take a large volume to catalogue the positive effects it has on the body. After all, it is super oxygen. It has gotten a bad rap from the media parroting vested interests to the effect that it is smog. These are propoganda and bald faced lies. Ozone is natural and is Nature’s effort to reduce smog chemically. It is not a product of emissions but is scapegoated constantly on the evening news everytime an uninformed weatherman refers to the ozone index as being pollution. It has been proven that even our cells produce small amounts of ozone and H2O2 which allow for the production of O1, one of the most powerful and energetic ions known.
Ozone can and does help heal any injury very fast. The mechanism of this super therapeutic effect might be unknown exactly, but it is partially due to the fact that it kills any opportunistic infections that might inhibit the body’s healing efforts. Also, it is evident what super oxygenating the body can do for the healing of any injury as is evidenced by the proverbial oxygen mask in medicine. Atheletes do not need to be told about the need to breathe oxygen on the playing field at times when they are depleted.
It is becoming common knowledge that the oxygen levels in any big city are pathetically low while the smog levels are dangerously high. Just as most people are dehydrated, many times in local body areas, so, most people are starved for oxygen and their cells are hungry for it all the time. Otto Warburg won the nobel prize in the 1930’s for proving that cancer cells cannot live in oxygen! He won two nobel prizes in fact. Many diseases blossom when the body is starved for oxygen. This is due to the fact that most disease pathogens that assail man are anaerobic, that is they cannot live in oxygen. They have another mode of living that permists them to survive and thrive in any biological terrain that is deficient in oxygen! It would seem elementary logic then to conclude that suppling more oxygen to the body would only help the cells. This has been demonstrated for over 100 years and the scientific evidence for it is overwhelming.
Perhaps the most important fact you should take away from this is this:
Ozone Therapy is Safest Known Therapy

“Ozone has been found to be an extremely safe medical therapy, free from side effects. In a 1980 study done by the German Medical Society for Ozone Therapy, 644 therapists were polled regarding their 384,775 patients, comprising a total of 5,579,238 ozone treatments administered. There were only 40 cases of side effects noted out of this number which represents the incredibly low rate of .000007%, and only four fatalities. Ozone has thus proven to be the safest medical therapy ever devised.”
How does this compare with the numberous and toxic side effects of pharmaceutical drugs and surgery of all kinds? Truly, medicine is becoming if not already, the number cause of death in this country (USA).
The bottom line is the body loves and craves oxygen and ozone is a super energetic form of oxygen. It breaks down from O3 into one super active form of singlet oxygen which goes after all culprits in the body and a more stable but still very active O2 molecule of oxygen. Part of this O2 is metastable oxygen which is very healing in its own right, yeilding up a special type of infrared photonic energy as it breaks down. For more on this see: Synergistic Energy Medicine by Physicist and Inventor, Gary Wade.
What are the various ways to get oxgyen and ozone into the body most effectively? For this, I would recommend a few articles that are an easy and quick read, by doctors and experts who are better versed than I. I know from my own experience and from those I have seen treated that this is one of the three most effective therapies that I know of after a lifetime of research into alternative medicine and health!
Obviously, this is not a clinical paper and there are laws against recommending medical treatments. Thus, consider this a general disclaimer: I am simply relating certain facts that are generaly available to check for yourself. For complete information on these therapies, there are multiple papers by various doctors and other researchers several of which I will mention at the conclusion of this article. My aim is not to educate you or convince you, but to stimulate your search into the vast array of information and equipment that are available for you as an athelete or anyone who desires superior health and fitness, healing and longevity.
The basic concept again is rather simple. By introducing medical grade ozone into the body properly, infections are eliminated, thus allowing the body to heal. Ozone kills every pathogen known to man while not harming normal, healthy tissue. Out of millions of administrations, there were only .000007% adverse reactions; compared with conventional medicine this is like zero in comparison.
If you have any doubt at all about how dangerous orthodox drugs and surgical procedures are becoming, see this from Death by Medicine:
“The enumerating of unnecessary medical events is very important in our analysis. Any medical procedure that is invasive and not necessary must be considered as part of the larger iatrogenic picture. Unfortunately, cause and effect go unmonitored. The figures on unnecessary events represent people (patients) who are thrust into a dangerous healthcare system. They are helpless victims. Each one of these 16.4 million lives is being affected in a way that could have a fatal consequence. Simply entering a hospital could result in the following:
In 16.4 million people, 2.1% chance of a serious adverse drug reaction, (186,000).
In 16.4 million people, 5-6% chance of acquiring a nosocomial infection, (489,500).
In16.4 million people, 4-36% chance of having an iatrogenic injury in hospital (medical error and adverse drug reactions) (1.78 million).
In 16.4 million people, 17% chance of a procedure error (1.3 million).
All the statistics above represent a one-year time span. Imagine the numbers over a ten-year period. Working with the most conservative figures from our statistics we project the following 10-year death rates.” More follows at: Death by Medicine
On the other hand, the simaltaneous additional introduction of a small amount of ozone and plentiful oxygen into the body (the proportion is normally 3-5% ozone to pure oxygen), kills pathogens harmful to mammals, assists the oxidation and disposal of toxins and wastes, as well as the rebuilding of tissue. The biochemical elements of this process are too complex for this article. You can find a great deal of this data in: Ozone in Medicine although out of print, other like books are listed and available. You can also find information at the International Ozone Association site.

The Ultimate Hangover Relief

I'll bet that the day after a good party you would do anything for a little Hangover Relief.

A very lucky 25% of the population will supposedly never get a hangover. For the rest of us, a hangover can be a grueling experience.

A hangover happens when a person consumes more alcohol than their system can process and may result in nausea, vomiting, the shakes, lethargy, a pounding headache, and the complete waste of a day recovering.
There are at least as many hangover remedies as there are types of drinks to give you one. However, most of these so-called hangover remedies are not very effective (as most of us already know).

At that point you would do almost anything for hangover relief.....

get Oxygen4Energy to relive those hangovers

Oxygen4Energy Business Opportunity Review

Oxygen4Energy is a new Network Marketing company that markets portable canisters containing 95% pure oxygen enriched air. According to Oxygen4Energy, the product (also named Oxygen4Energy) allows users to flood their body with high amounts of supplemental oxygen at any time.
By entering through the lungs, the oxygen enters the bloodstream in seconds and is immediately available to the body. The most popular application and the main focus of the company is sports and fitness. However, the product also works well for hangovers, seniors, mental clarity, stress, and altitude acclimation.
According to company President, Craig Inaba, “Oxygen4Energy is going to be the next bottled water or energy drink type product and the entrepreneurs who get in early with us will be in position to make a financial killing.”
The product is manufactured in the USA with certified content and purity. MSRP is $9.95 with substantial discounts for Distributors (up to 50% off MSRP).
Due to shipping restrictions on the product, Distributorships are only available within the continental United States at this time.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Tim Tebow

Denver Quarterback, Tim Tebow, has purchased a Hyperbaric Chamber to help oxygenate his body so he can throw those game winning touchdown passes. The oxygen prevents him from getting tired and allows him to run faster and make better passes. He has more stamina and increased endurance and reduced recovery times all a result of his oxygen sessions in the hyperbaric chamber. You to can increase your stamina and endurance and reduce your recovery time with Sports Oxygen

Oxygen4Energy Athletes set to Compete at US Track and Field Nationals

June 22, 2011
Oxygen4Energy has a very impressive roster of athletes set to compete at the Outdoor US Track and Field National Championships this week in Eugene, Oregon. The event covers 4 days and will be televised (see TV Schedule below).
Each athlete must get through qualifying rounds before competing in the finals for their event. No matter how they finish, we are EXTREMELY PROUD OF ALL OUR ATHLETES for making it to Nationals this year. They have all trained really hard and sacrificed a lot to get to where they are now. Please cheer them on as they pursue their dreams!
To check out a schedule of events and follow our athletes as they make their way through the qualifying rounds, click on the link below:

Here's our roster of incredible athletes:
  • Kellie Wells (2011 Indoor Champion)
  • Danielle Carruthers 
  • Nichole Denby
  • Brittney Reese (2X World Champion)
  • Natasha Coleman
400M - WOMEN
  • Angee Henry
  • Fawn Dorr (2010 Nationals 3rd Place)
100M - MEN
  • Chris Davis
200M - MEN
  • Rodney Martin
400M - MEN
  • David Neville III (Olympic Gold Medalist 4X400)
  • Manteo Mitchell
800M - MEN
  • Tevan Everett
  • Tyrone Harris
  • Walter Davis (2X World Champion)

Thursday, April 12, 2012


•  Power Your Muscles 
•  Fuel Your Brain 
•  Recover from Exertion 
•  Support Your Immune System 
•  Clean Out Toxins 
•  Metabolize the Food You Eat 
•  Remove viruses and bacteria 
•  And More!

•  Sports and Fitness 
•  Hangovers 
•  Seniors and Elderly 
•  Stress Relief 
•  Mental Focus  
•  Altitude Acclimation

Oxygen4Energy is one of the fastest, most effective ways to flood 
your body with oxygen!  

Oxygen is the most important nutrient to the cells in your body and 
plays an integral role in almost every bodily function. It makes up 
approximately 96% of your body's nutritional needs, and it is 
responsible for creating up to 90% of your body's energy. You can 
live without food for weeks, without water for days, but only a few 
minutes without oxygen. 

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Business Comp Layout

• Power Your Muscles
• Fuel Your Brain
• Recover from Exertion
• Support Your Immune System
• Clean Out Toxins
• Metabolize the Food You Eat
• Remove viruses and bacteria
• And More!

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Multi-Level Marketing (MLM) Mistakes to Avoid !!!!

No one goes into business to fail. By knowing what common mistakes to avoid, you will dramatically increase your chance of success. Remember... dumb people don't learn from mistakes... most people only learn from their own mistakes... and smart people are able to learn from other people's mistakes as well as their own.
1. Unrealistic Expectations Going In:
It cannot be stressed enough to anyone who is considering MLM as a business opportunity to set realistic income expectations and goals. Although the income opportunity in MLM can be considerable, it does takes a lot of time, effort and, again, TIME to make a substantial income. It is not reasonable to expect a six-figure income in 90 days, and this is the number one reason why people fail at MLM.
2. Failure To Treat an MLM Business Like A Business:
When you have your own MLM Business, it is just that: it is your business. It will become your primary source of income at some time and because of this, it deserves your full attention. You cannot become the CEO of a successful corporation without putting in a lot of hours, being diligent, working harder than everyone around you, and constantly upping your game. It doesn't happen in the real world, and it doesn't happen within your own business. While you may have more to lose than the guy working a job, you also have a lot more to gain. If you want a great reason why people fail at MLM, it's because they are simply not willing to put in the time and commitment that is required!
3. Failure to have the Patience to Get Through Your Learning Curve
Let's make a simple analogy. When you take up a new hobby or sport, are you good at it on Day 1? Of course not. Are you better at it on Day 30? Yes. What about on Days 60 and 90? No one is good at something when they first start. There is a learning curve to everything you do. The longer you stick with something, the better you get at it because you learn from your mistakes and you become more skilled at repeating what works. This business is no different. The longer you stick with it, the better you will get at it. If you don't stick with your business long enough for you to get really good at it, you will never be successful.
4. Failing to Be Better Than Your Competition:
You absolutely have to stay on the cutting edge of MLM sales. This means keeping up on the latest marketing trends, whether they are online website promotions, or promoting yourself in Social Media. Education is always the key to success in life and your MLM business in no exception. Whether you are going to conventions, or partnering with an online marketing coach and mentor, you have to be better at marketing yourself and your product than the next guy! The only way to do that is to make sure you are constantly trying to improve yourself and your marketing techniques.
5. Using Misleading Recruitment Tactics:
If you are going into MLM, you need to know that "recruiting" is not a dirty word. It's just a plain fact of life in building your business. How you go about recruiting and the kind of recruits you bring in are KEY to the success of your business. Do not lie to a prospective recruit. Don't even go into the "gray" area. Do not ever advertise a business opportunity as a "job." You don't want people on your team who feel like they got there under false pretenses. You need motivated people who understand what they are doing and why. You don't bring unqualified people into any business. Pick the best of the best and let them shine!
6. Don't Try to Re-invent the Wheel:
You do not want to re-invent the wheel for this, or any, business! If you have partnered with a reliable, successful MLM company, they will have a business model in place. Of course, you can add your own style and embellishments to your business, but overall, for the health and success of your MLM sales, you will want to follow the existing, proven business model, and make certain all of your recruits have been trained in the same manner.
7. Just Trying to "Sell" Without Remembering to Develop Relationships:
MLM is about TEAM BUILDING. The people who build the biggest, best teams usually reap the most rewards. If we're doing this properly, we're creating relationships based on teamwork, not just trying to get people into our own deals. People today can really feel the difference between when you're conversing with them and when you're trying to sell to them. Many people don't like it. Nor would you! You really don't like to be sold, and also you do not like the sensation you get when you're attempting to sell something. It does not sit right deep down inside. Thus, don't do it. Instead of trying to sell people, talk to them about being part of a team to create mutual success for all. This philosophy will be much better received and make people more open to what you have to say. Focus on developing good relationships, and good results will follow. That is critical.
8. Employing Too Many Strategies At Once:
When you first get started in your business and are introduced to several different marketing strategies at once, it's easy to get excited and to start trying to implement all these strategies at once. The truth of the matter is that this is a REALLY SIMPLE BUSINESS and you only need to master one or two strategies to be successful. When you divert and dilute your efforts into multiple strategies at once, your results get diluted, too. Plus, it becomes impossible to really know which strategies are working and which ones are not. Try one strategy at a time until you figure out which one works best for you, then go with it!
9. Choosing Quantity Over Quality in Lead Generation:
In our desire to get leads at any cost, we sometimes try make our products and businesses sound too sugary to the masses. Thus, words like “free”, “money back”, and “easy” have become common phrases in most ads. Many marketers also boast of places to buy leads or sites where you can get leads for free. Simple tweaks to your marketing efforts can significantly improve the quality of your leads. Let your ad make clear that you are looking for people who are willing to put in the effort required.
10. Going After the "BIG FISH" Right from the Start
So many people get into a business and set their goals too high too fast. The first people they go after are the ones they feel have the most potential. This is a BIG MISTAKE. If you just hired a new sales rep for your company, would your first assignment for him be the biggest possible account in the city? Of course not! When you first get into a business like this, you need practice. You need to be able to develop your skills so that when you deal with a "Big Fish" you know how to handle anything they throw at you and you look like you know what you are doing. The best way to lose a Big Fish is to appear like you just got started and don't know what you are doing. When you first get started, practice on people who aren't necessarily on the top of your list. This will help you prepare for the people on the top of your list.
11. Insufficient Capital to Sustain Business Long Enough to be Successful:
Just like any other business, an MLM business will have ongoing business expenses (product costs, advertising costs, travel costs, etc). If you are unprepared to handle these costs, you will most likely end up quitting the business before you can become successful.